Virtual Teacher


Becoming a Contributor

It is great that you are considering joining the growing number of teachers who contribute lesson plans, complete lessons and resources to Virtual Teacher.

If you are already a registered VT contributor please click here to login.

The concept behind contributing content is simple. There is no up-front subscription fee and you can stop contributing at any time without obligation. Any content that you upload remains your property at all times.

The process goes like this...

  1. You submit a lesson, lesson plan or other content to the site for review
  2. You decide the price that you would like your material to be sold for
  3. Once accepted your material is added to the portfolio of material on the Virtual Teacher site
  4. Whenever someone purchases your material a credit is added to your Virtual Teacher account
  5. At the end of each month a payment will be made to you equal to the value of your Virtual Teacher account

We will send you a copy of our full terms and conditions when you sign up but they really are very straight forward and are put together to give you peace of mind.

If at any point you wish to stop selling content through Virtual Teacher simply send us an email and we will remove your content at the end of the month following receipt of your request. We will then send a settlement sum to you and you will not hear from us again, unless you want to come back of course.

If this sounds like something you would like to pursue then let's get started. Please indicate your role (Teacher, Parent, Student or other), what you are interested to provide and the best email address to contact you on. We will then send you details and login credentials for the site.

Your name...

Your role...

What are you able to provide...

Prefered email address...

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